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  • Who is required to report?
    Any fixed facility with an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) at the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ), or 500 pounds, whichever is less, as identified in the US EPA Title III consolidated list of lists, is required to report. An example of the TPQ/500 pounds requirement is sulfuric acid, which has a TPQ of 1,000 pounds that drops to 500 pounds for Tier II reporting. You can find this list here. Any fixed facility with 10,000 pounds, or more, of a material with a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that indicates an OSHA communicated health hazard, is required to report.
  • When are reports due?
    Reports are due no later than March 1st every year for materials maintained on-site during the previous calendar year.
  • How do I create a report?
    The Anderson County LEPC accepts E-Plan submissions. E-Plan is a highly secure, web-based information system that holds facility-specific hazard information from numerous sources. Facilities have to sign up for an account and authorize a user to have access to the system. Facilities can enter information directly into E-Plan or import Tier II Submit files into the system. E-Plan has online training on their website.
  • Where am I required to send reports and what should I include?
    1. SCSERC EPCRA Reporting Point - The State requires the use of E-Plan to satisfy reporting requirements. For more information, visit the SCDHEC website. 2. Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) - The Anderson County LEPC accepts E-Plan submissions. You are not required to mail a paper copy of your report, but may do so if you choose. 3. Local Fire Department - Reporting requirements vary. Please contact your local fire department.
  • How much will I be charged?
    Anderson County Tier II Fee Structure Fees are based on volume of average daily storage per substance per location and whether or not the substance is categorized as Hazardous or Extremely Hazardous. Hazardous Substances Up to 49,999 pounds = $20.00 Up to 99,999 pounds = $60.00 Up to 499,999 pounds = $120.00 Up to 999,999 pounds = $240.00 Up to 9,999,999 pounds = $360.00 10,000,000 pounds or greater = $480.00 Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) Up to 49,999 pounds = $100.00 Up to 99,999 pounds = $300.00 Up to 499,999 pounds = $600.00 Up to 999,999 pounds = $1,200.00 Up to 9,999,999 pounds = $1,800.00 10,000,000 pounds or greater = $2,400.00 Gas stations pay a $50.00/location fee *Minimum fee for any Tier II Facility is $50.00 *Maximum fee for any Tier II Facility is $4000.00 Click for more information on Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA)
  • Do I send my fee with my submission?
    No, the LEPC will mail an invoice to the billing contact and address you provided with your Tier II Report submission. All payments must be sent to the Anderson County LEPC by March 1st. Fees that are not paid for in full by March 1st will be delinquent, and will accrue a penalty of one dollar per chemical per day until paid.
  • What happens if organizational fees are not paid?
    Payments required under this article are considered legal obligations and are enforceable in a court of law. Failure to pay will constitute a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00, or confinement not to exceed 30 days. In addition to the misdemeanor charge, a violation of this article may also result in the imposition of a civil penalty, and upon conviction, be punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00. Anderson County reserves the right to and will take any and all necessary legal action to collect fees and recover costs under this article.


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